Monday, November 20

Power Grater

Wow! Look at this...

It's a power cheese grater!!! I really had no idea such a wonderful gadget existed! The advert I saw for it reads as follows: "You will always be ready to grate cheese, bread or chocolate at the push of a button". Yes, AT THE PUSH OF A BUTTON! Amazing - what will they think of next! Although why anyone would want to grate chocolate and bread is a mystery to me but just think of the time you could save if you had one! Like eggs, cheese can be pretty tricky - I sometimes spend up to 3 days just grating a bit of cheese (very nice on top of ravioli) so one of these would literally change my life and leave me heaps of valuable time for other things I like doing such as not watching films and not playing games on my computer. It's quite expensive though at €69 so I'm not quite sure whether I should risk investing in one. Maybe I'll think about it for a few months...yes, I think that's the best thing. There's no sense in rushing into something I'm going to regret later on is there!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Nice blog, Dave. I'm trying to locate a very amusing home video of cheese-grating action and will post it on YouTube as soon as I have found it!